
Video: IfIHadAHiFi @ Frank's Power Plant 5/21/2009

Our old pal Jack Packard took his hand out of our pants long enough to shoot some video at last Thursday's Frank's Power Plant shindig. Look and listen?:

"Black Holes Resonate (In B-Flat), Baby"

Half of "All Hail Magnets"... A new one.

Thanks, Jack!

In other HiFi news... We've been readying new songs for a forthcoming EP that's going to be recorded by Thom Geibel in the coming weeks. The songs are coming out even more spastic and weird than usual HiFi faire. We'll be playing the new ones out here and there all summer long.

Also coming up! THE PRF BBQ SPECTACULAR @ Union Rock Yards! And Steel Bridge Song Fest in Sturgeon Bay! Check the MySpace shows page for more info.


May 21st, 2009!

The New Loud
We Are Hex

Frank's Power Plant
Thursday, May 21st
9:00 PM

If you like things that rule come see our friends We Are Hex from Indianapolis! Get your Memorial Day weekend started early!


IfIHadAHiFi West Coast Tour in August!

Hey fools,

We're planning our huge annual two-week trek, and we're finally heading out to visit our pals out west! If you can help with any of the shows in bold, please let us know! The ones not in bold are being worked and we feel pretty good about 'em, but we'll likely need help in the emboldened areas. And right now there are a few. Hook us up!

F 8/21 Madison, WI
S 8/22 Minneapolis, MN
Su 8/23 Minot/Bismarck, ND
M 8/24 DRIVE DAY or Billings, MT
Tu 8/25 Missoula. MT

W 8/26 Seattle, WA
Th 8/27 Bellingham, WA
F 8/28 Portland, OR
S 8/29 Oakland, CA
Su 8/30 San Francisco, CA or Day Off in Bay Area
Tu 9/1 Denver, CO
W 9/2 Lawrence/Wichita, KS
Th 9/3 Kansas City, MO

F 9/4 St. Louis, MO
S 9/5 Somewhere in IA