The van's been checked out, the songs are practiced up, and the directions will be printed out this afternoon. We're ready to roll.
Once again, here's our route:
8.21.09 Madison, WI: Willy St. Pub (The Wisco) w/Self-Evident, The Suit
8.22.09 Minneapolis, MN: Sauce w/Self-Evident, Speed's the Name
8.23.09 Bismarck, ND: Project Noise
8.24.09 DRIVE DAY
8.25.09 Missoula, MT: The Badlander w/Arrested Adolescence
8.26.09 Bellingham, WA: The Old Foundry
8.27.09 Seattle, WA: The Funhouse w/Police Teeth, The Bismarck
8.28.09 Portland, OR: The Know w/Rapids
8.29.09 San Francisco, CA: Hemlock Tavern w/Mount Vicious (CD RELEASE), Pegataur
8.30.09 San Francisco, CA: Second SF show TBD
9.01.09 Denver, CO: Curtis Street Tavern
9.02.09 Wichita, KS: Kirby’s Beer Store
9.03.09 Warrensburg, MO: Bottomfeeder Bay w/Them Damned Young Livers
9.04.09 St. Louis, MO: Lemp Arts Center w/The Conformists
9.05.09 Des Moines, IA: The Haunted Basement w/Beati Paoli, Wolves in the Attic
I'll be doing a tour blog over at my "
Cultural Zero" blog at
Third Coast Digest. You'll also be able to find tour updates by following our Twitter feed at I'm sure i'll be laying down some sweet tweets on my
personal Twitter account as well.
Wish us luck! Shit starts tomorrow night--Friday, August 21--at The Wisco in Madison, with The Suit and Self-Evident. Away we go...